Hey, gang! I hope you enjoyed the serial novel I presented here on my blog. I know I had a lot of fun writing it. I am currently editing Cattle for publication for those of you who'd rather just read it on your kindle or iPad or whatever device you use. (I might even do a paperback version!) I also wanted to take a moment and let you all know what I am planning on doing-- what I have, in fact, already begun to do.
Basically, I have decided to retire the Redux.
I have decided, after much internal debate, and after consulting my Facebook friends, to retire my pseudonym Rod Redux and rerelease my books under my real name JOSEPH DUNCAN.
I adopted Rod Redux as a pen name for a couple of different reasons. One, I was insecure about my writing skills and wanted to insulate myself from the negative reviews I was certain I was going to receive. And two, I have a demented sense of humor (as you probably know) and thought Rod Redux was a hilarious, porny-sounding name. I figured people would remember an author name as far out as Rod Redux.
It made me laugh, anyway.
Well, I'm not so insecure anymore, and a small percentage of people seem to have a real problem with my pen name. I've even gotten a few bad reviews based almost solely on their dislike of my pen name, which I find really strange, but whatever.
Anyway, for the next few weeks I am going to be updating my book files on amazon's servers so that they display my real name, and I guess I'll be designing all new paperback versions of them, too. I'm sure this is going to confuse some people, but I am hoping it will help me to reach more readers and get a little more respect in the industry. Who knows? Maybe no one will even notice. I'm just tired of this Rod guy getting all the credit for my hard work!
Is that crazy?
Thanks, everyone. See ya around!
Joseph Duncan
(aka Rod Redux)