Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ready to Fall "In Love"?

Thought I'd make a quick post and let all you Gon fans know that I have completed the first draft of The Oldest Living Vampire In Love and am currently engaged in the editing process of the novel, trying to get it ready for publication. I have the second draft about 25% done. I normally do three drafts before I publish a book, so I have a few more weeks of work left to do.  The novel is approximately 115,000 words in length. Kind of a big one, and that's why it's taken so long to get this finished. I hope you'll be patient just a little while longer as I tie this bad boy's shoelaces and straighten his cuffs. It's all there. It's just a little rough around the edges.


  1. Any news? I loved the first two and can't wait for the next one. I am very interested to see how Gon's relationship with his son stands the test of time. His love interest sounds very intriguing too.

  2. Agreed! Excited for the book!

  3. I've read all three of the 'Oldest Living Vampire books and am anxiously awaiting the fourth. I think this series and Rod himself are definetly equal to anything Anne Rice has written
