I have completed The Oldest Living Vampire In Love. It is 120,000 words in length, or about 450 paperback pages. The longest installment of the Oldest Living Vampire books. It is currently in the hands of a few trusted beta readers, and should be available on the kindle, nook and ibook store sometime next week. All I'm waiting on is some feedback from my beta readers. So far they've spotted a couple typos and repeated words that need to be fixed.
In this volume, Gon encounters the beautiful and hot tempered vampire Zenzele, and confronts his arch enemy, the god king Khronos-- who will play a major role in the next two OLV books. I cannot wait for you to meet all the new characters in volume three of the Oldest Living Vampire Saga! There are going to be some major developments for Gon's adopted child Ilio, and for his mortal prisoner in present day Liege, Lukas Jaeger, as well.
When is the next book, The Oldest Living Vampire Reborn. coming out? I can hardly wait. These books are some of the best books I've ever read and I've read a lot of books.